Much more than a natural choline substitute
Supplied by Nuproxa Switzerland Ltd
BioCholine, constituted with only natural herbs, is a unique herbal animal feed supplement that contains natural, stable, and highly bioavailable choline in conjugated / esterified form, i.e., Phosphatidyl choline (PC), lecithins, and equivalents, along with other phospholipids and essential fatty acids. Esterification confers receptor recognition, higher bioavailability, and negligible transformation of choline into TMA.
BioCholine also contains glycerols, phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE), phosphatidyl inositol (PI), and phosphatidyl serine (PS), which play a significant role in metabolism, enzymic modulation, and the biosynthesis of phosphatidyl choline. BioCholine also contains essential fatty acids, viz., 18:26 and 18:33, in highly utilizable form, in the Sn-2 position of its constituent phosphatidyl choline, which are efficiently used by animal systems to produce essential prostaglandins, necessary for the maintenance of good health. Along with these essential fatty acids and other phospholipids, they optimise fat metabolism and the efficient dispersion of liver lipids and produce a significant growth response.
The phosphatidyl inositol, also known as a part of the lecithin group, is associated with cholinomimetic bioactivity and helps in brain and nerve cell nutrition. Choline and inositol are both essential components of cell walls and play important roles in cell integrity, cell growth, and function. Without both inositol and choline, the two important dietary emulsifiers, the dietary fats and bile become trapped in the liver, causing fatty liver syndrome, cirrhosis, and blockage in fat metabolism.
Traces of Chromium in BioCholine, in the natural, organic, and bio-efficient form in the ingredient herbs, also help to optimise lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, improve glucose and energy utilization, and reduce carcass fat content.
The herbs contained in BioCholine also help to improve the integrity of hepatocytes, optimize liver function, and enhance the synthesis and bioavailability of bile for optimum absorption and utilization of fats.
- Improves the deposition of lean meat in carcasses
- Stability and ease of handling in feed and premixes
- Activator of lipid metabolism
- Replaces 100% of choline chloride effectively and cost-effectively
- Improves zootechnical parameters
- Non-hygroscopic
The natural choline conjugates present in BioCholine enter the biological system and release highly labile methyl groups into the site of action. The labile methyl groups of BioCholine help in energy metabolization and control fatty liver syndrome.
Molecular Mechanism of Action
- The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are a group of nuclear receptor proteins. PPARs play essential roles in the regulation of cellular differentiation, development and metabolism (both energy & protein).
- PPAR receptors are the molecular targets of a number of lipid-lowering drugs, including fibrates and some phospholipids.
- Phosphatidylcholine and some phospholipids bind with PPAR-α, allowing PPAR-α to regulate fat metabolism.
- Mass spectrometry and gene expression studies established the role of phosphatidylcholine and some phospholipids in the activation of PPAR-α in the liver.
Adiponectin, a protein hormone that modulates fat, glucose, and fatty acid metabolism, is secreted into the blood from adipose tissues in response to PPAR activation, and its level is inversely correlated with body fat percentage. The scientists have now identified that in the liver, some phospholipids and phosphatidyl choline bind with PPAR receptors and activate them, allowing them to regulate lipid and glucose metabolism. This explains why and how a small quantity of phosphatidyl choline with phospholipids and other bioactives present in natural form in BioCholine, helps PPAR receptor activation and thus initiates the secretion of adiponectin, facilitating increased lipolysis, reduced uptake of FFA in the liver, and increased liver clearance. This is how BioCholine helps to prevent FLS and keep the level of liver lipids low in poultry, as well as reduce back fat thickness in swine.
For optimum energy utilization, choline should be supplemented in esterified form. This unique combination of esterified choline, inositol, glycerol, phospholipids, PUFAs, etc. in BioCholine exerts better physiological effects than synthetic choline chloride.
25 kg pack
- Choline in inorganic form, such as choline chloride, is very poorly absorbed from the G.I. tract; hence, it is less bioavailable.
- Choline chloride products are often sold below specifications and are not tested directly for choline level but rather as a calculation from the concentration of the chlorine.
- A significant portion of synthetic choline chloride gets converted into trimethyl amine (TMA) in the body, which is toxic and confers a fishy taint on eggs.
- The presence of highly hygroscopic compound choline chloride in the premix or diet enhances oxidative destruction of other vitamins; BioCholine is non-hygroscopic and thus does no damage to other vitamins or minerals.
- Energy sparing effect of BioCholine with matrix for Broilers
- BioCholine has the same or better results at a lower inclusion, translating into a better margin for the premixer, feed manufacturer, or farm
- BioCholine has a direct action supplying Phospatidul choline, phospholipids, PUFAs and similar molecules
- BioCholine is non-corrosive, causing no damage to premix/feed mill equipment
- Reduced inclusions result in reduces logistics costs – 2 – 4 times lower inclusion rate compared to choline chloride, therefore lower transport and storage costs
- As a feed supplement to provide highly bioavailable, bioactive, and natural Choline in conjugated esterified form to maintain health and production.
- For maintaining optimum mobilization of hepatic fat and transportation of lipids from the liver to adipose tissue, to help prevent fatty liver syndrome.
- To improve utilisation of a high-energy diet along with better FCR, growth, egg production, livability, and hatchability.
Monogastric Animals
BioCholine Powder can be used at 25% quantity in place of synthetic Choline chloride with better prevention of FLS and higher production performance.
- Dairy cows – 15 to 20 g/h/d
- Small ruminants – 4 to 6 g/h/d
Minimum use during the transition period, with a suggested use from 30 days pre-partum to 30 days post-partum period, 17 g/h/d
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