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In-water medication that treats coccidiosis and stops mortality fast

  • Broad-spectrum activity against all Eimeria species
  • Fast action – reduces side effects of disease
  • Good compatibility with other treatments and feed additives

How coccidiosis affects your stock

Poultry of all ages and breeds can be infected, most outbreaks occur early in the life of the bird. Mortality rates vary from outbreak to outbreak and can be high if appropriate medication measures are not strategically applied. Many severely affected birds can be permanently stunted in cases with severe secondary bacterial infection.


  1. Esb3 gives excellent results, quickly reduces mortality, and improves body weight gain with a rapid return to normal production.

  2. Esb3, because of its antibacterial activity, can also be used for the treatment of Pasteurella multocida (fowl cholera) and Salmonella gallinarum & Salmonella pulirum (fowl typhoid) infections.

  3. Esb3 is active against all important Eimeria species. Due to its excellent efficacy, infected birds show a rapid recovery.

  4. Water medication is the route of choice when treating large numbers of birds, especially when appetite is depressed due to disease. Water medication allows for rapid absorption, high blood levels, and high tissue concentrations, which result in a rapid onset of treatment effects.


1 gram of Esb3 per litre of water for 3 consecutive days
In severe cases of E. tenella and E. necatrix infections, a dose of 2 gram of Esb3 per litre of water is recommended for the best results.
When necessary, treatment can be prolonged or repeated without risk of toxic effects.

Fowl cholera/Fowl typhoid:
1-2 grams of Esb3 per litre of water for 5 consecutive days.


  • Chicken: 14 days
  • Turkeys: 21 days (turkey meat and offal, excluding skin – 14 days)
  • Eggs: 11 days

withdrawal times esb


  • 20g sachet x 25 per box


Sulfaclozine sodium monohydrate, 300 g/kg



Unit 1, Gateway House, 129 Rooiberg Street, N4 Gateway East, Willow Park Manor, Pretoria East, Gauteng

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