Supplying products that provide superior alternatives to traditional methods | VETPAC Animal Health is a supplier of all the listed natural feed additives in South Africa.

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+27 (0)12 803 0319

Poultry Broiler Products

This range includes the supply of nutraceutical-type organic additives, sourced from recognised international producers, manufactured to the highest levels as required by international food safety regulations.

Intra Hydrocare

Intra Hydrocare is the ideal cleaning product. Intra Hydrocare easily purifies the complete watering system (storage reservoirs, pipes, drinking nozzles, cups and towers), both during and after the production period.

Intra Chick Paper

A high quality chicken paper is indispensable in this process. So, make Intra Chickpaper your choice; a chicken paper that has already proven its success in 60 countries.

Unit 1, Gateway House, 129 Rooiberg Street, N4 Gateway East, Willow Park Manor, Pretoria East, Gauteng

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+27 (0)12 803 0319